Vintage Thread Spool Ornaments

I decided that since it’s ‘beginning to look a lot like Christmas,’ it was time to bust out a Christmas-themed project.  So I came up with the idea of making these thread spool ornaments.  The project began simpler than it finished up, though.  Originally, I was just going to make a Santa ornament…but then he seemed lonely, so I made him 2 elves.  Then I decided they were incomplete without Rudolph…and then I decided that 4 ornaments were enough for now!  

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T-Shirt Stadium Seat

I’ve been looking forward to this project for several months.  I usually get pretty grumpy at football games because I can only pay attention to the game for so long before I get a little bored.  Plus, the seats are pretty uncomfortable, and I get fidgety.

So I planned to find a sweatshirt at a thrift shop and use it to make a comfy, one-of-a-kind stadium seat.  When I couldn’t find an appropriate sweatshirt, I settled for an Under Armour t-shirt, size large.
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Coke Bottle Lamp and Bottle Cap Lampshade

This project began over the summer with a Coke bottle that has been displayed on a shelf above my desk for about 8 years.  I decided it was time to do something to make it useful, so after I discovered a cool lamp making kit online, I made a lamp out of it…which then created a need for a one-of-a-kind lampshade to go with it!  

There’s a fresh produce store about 20 minutes from our house, and they sell soft drinks in glass bottles.  Right next to the fridge where the bottles are stored is a wall-mounted bottle opener with a jar under it to catch the lids.  The store just tosses the lids when the jar gets full, so I started collecting them every time I went to that store this summer to buy fresh strawberries.  Over a period of about 5 months, I collected what seemed like enough to complete this project…and it turned out that I collected the exact right number – plus one extra!  Couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.  Continue reading

Wireless Router Book Cover

I’ve always thought our router was ugly.  It’s in a prominent spot in our kitchen, due to the fact that at any given time, we have one or more computer using the wireless connection, and that computer could be upstairs above the garage, upstairs where the bedrooms are, downstairs in the kitchen or den, or outside on the patio or hammock.  And the kitchen was the central location.  So there it sits on our antique side table, looking ugly.

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Souvenir Penny Charm Bracelet

While I was unpacking a few boxes of childhood treasures that came from my bedroom at my parents’ house, I came across my souvenir penny collection, along with my American coin collection and some foreign money left over from trips to Europe.  I laid them all out where I could see them so I’d remember to think about what to do with them (out of sight, out of mind!).  With the foreign coins, I made magnets, but the souvenir coins seemed wrong for magnets.  So they sat there for a few months while I considered my options.

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