Outdoor Projects

Confession:  I may have stared this post over two months ago. Ok, I DID start this post over two months ago.

It was late May, and the weather was nice so I spent the day outside working on some projects out on the patio I’d been wanting to do for a couple of months.  I found these ideas on Pinterest here and here.

I pass a Goodwill every day on my way home from work and have to talk myself out of stopping by pointing out to myself how many projects are on my to-do list with their materials scattered about my Yellow Room, taking up precious space and on occasion, making me feel a little crazy because I don’t know what to do next!

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Hello, online world.

 Seeing as this is my first post and nothing and no one on Earth besides Google, my dog Rocky, and I know about this blog’s creation, it would seem as though I’m talking to myself.  I’ll change that when I’m ready. 🙂

I’ve been thinking for a while about creating a blog to share what I enjoy doing in my spare time – designing and creating Stuff.  “Stuff” includes, but is not limited to: making cakes and jewelry, sewing, and repurposing old/vintage/antique items (some would go so far as to refer to these items as ‘junk,’ but junk is one of my best friends!). 

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