New Vanity from Thrifted Desk

This project began over the summer with a Coke bottle that has been displayed on a shelf above my desk for about 8 years. I decided it was time to do something to make it useful, so after I discovered a cool lamp making kit online, I made a lamp out of it…which then created a need for a one-of-a-kind lampshade to go with it!
There’s a fresh produce store about 20 minutes from our house, and they sell soft drinks in glass bottles. Right next to the fridge where the bottles are stored is a wall-mounted bottle opener with a jar under it to catch the lids. The store just tosses the lids when the jar gets full, so I started collecting them every time I went to that store this summer to buy fresh strawberries. Over a period of about 5 months, I collected what seemed like enough to complete this project…and it turned out that I collected the exact right number – plus one extra! Couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried. Continue reading
When I saw the rusted old sewing machine base/frame as I left an antique store earlier this month, I knew I would buy it the next time I was there and crossed my fingers that no one else would have bought it in the meantime!
Confession: I may have stared this post over two months ago. Ok, I DID start this post over two months ago.
It was late May, and the weather was nice so I spent the day outside working on some projects out on the patio I’d been wanting to do for a couple of months. I found these ideas on Pinterest here and here.
I pass a Goodwill every day on my way home from work and have to talk myself out of stopping by pointing out to myself how many projects are on my to-do list with their materials scattered about my Yellow Room, taking up precious space and on occasion, making me feel a little crazy because I don’t know what to do next!
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In my first post on this blog, I introduced you to my re-upholstery project, the Ugly Chair. Having no experience with upholstery, and therefore no idea what I was getting myself into, I armed myself with this tutorial that I read before I began to get an idea of what I was doing, and got to work.