Media Stand made from Old Nightstand

For some time, I’ve been halfheartedly looking for a new piece of furniture to serve as a small ‘media stand’ for the den.  I couldn’t find anything I liked in thrift stores, so after a few months, I sort of stopped looking.

Then, one day last month, I was in the last mile of a 14-mile run in an historic neighborhood downtown, when up ahead of me I saw what appeared to be a piece of furniture on the side of the road.  As I got closer, I saw that it wasn’t just my glucose-depleted state causing my imagination to run wild or a trick of the light; it was, in fact, an upside-down, three-legged nightstand that had seen better days.  It was the perfect size and had the exact design I envisioned for my little media stand – a large opening for the cable box and DVD player and a drawer for small items (matches for the fireplace, extra extension cords, etc.) to be stored.

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