Category: Sewing
Den Redesign: Linen Curtains with Hidden Tabs
Today I’m coming to you from a shaded table on the sidewalk outside of a restaurant downtown. I’ve got a nice view of a fountain across the street and recent college graduates walking around in their black gowns, surrounded by family members. It’s a nice change of pace from blogging on our new couch, which is really unproductive because it’s so comfortable it just makes me want to take a nap. I really should get around to creating a new office space with a dedicated area for the computer soon. But first, I must finish the den project, which brings us around to curtains.
Sweater Refashion: Part 3
The last remaining bit of sweater after part 1 and part 2 were complete was just asking to be made into something else. I wasn’t sure what to make it into at first, so I typed in ‘sweater refashion’ on Pinterest and found this headband, which stuck with me as I continued searching. Living in the ‘famously hot’ city of Columbia, SC, there isn’t often a need for more than just a vest or a coat when I’m out and about since we drive everywhere and generally only have to be outside long enough to walk from the car to the store/restaurant/theater and right back to the car when we leave. But for the few times each year when it is cold enough to want a head cover, this one will fit the bill – for free!
Sweater Refashion: Part 2
After I finished sweater refashion part 1, my feet were cold so I pulled the sleeves on like socks and walked around wearing the rest of the sweater as a pair of attached socks for the evening – probably not recommended, but I never did trip, so that’s good news. Other good news: they kept my feet warm! So I decided that what I would do with the sleeves is make myself a pair of knee-length lounging socks for days I spend a large portion of my time working on projects at home.
Sweater Refashion: Part 1
Happy new year! We’re getting back into the swing of things this week after traveling a lot over the past two weeks to spend time with family for Christmas and New Year’s. I’m now hard at work getting the house clean and starting a major house-wide organizing and simplifying (…meaning getting rid of things we don’t need!) project that’s way overdue.
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